Causative verbs
➡️ Causative Verb একটি কমন টপিক। যা থেকে পরীক্ষায় প্রশ্ন আসে। আজকে আমরা দুনিয়ার সবচেয়ে সহজ নিয়োমে Causative verb শিখব, ইনশাআল্লাহ।
★ Causative Verb পরীক্ষায় কোন আইটেমের সাথে আসে: Right form of verb এবং Sentence correction অংশে।
Causative verb কাকে বলে?
➡️ যে verb মাধ্যমে Subject, object কে দিয়ে কোন কাজ করিয়ে নেয় সে verb কে Causative verb বলে।
Causative verb গুলো কী কী?
➡️ Have, get, make, help এবং Let.
Action doer কাকে বলে?
➡️ Action doer : যে কাজ করে অথা যাকে দিয়ে কাজ করান হয় তাকে Action doer বলে। যেমন I will have you do this. [ এখানে You কে দিয়ে করান হবে তাই you হলো Action doer.]
Action receiver কাকে বলে?
➡️ Action receiver : যার উপরে৷ verb এর প্রভাব পড়বে, যার উপরে ক্রিয়া সম্পাদন করা হয় তাকে Action receiver বলে। যেমন - I will have you arrested.
➡️ একটি টেকনিক দেখা যাক, টেকনিকটি বুঝলে Causative verb পানির মত সহজ মনে হবে।
➡️ টেকনিকের ব্যাখ্যা :
1) Let/make এর পর Somebody /something থাকলে সব সময় V1 হবে। যেমন - The robber made the teller give him the money. John let his daughter swim with her friends.
2) Help এর পর Somebody /something থাকলে সব সময় (to+ V1) হবে।
3) Have / get এর পর Something থাকলে এর পর V3 হবে।
যেমন - Mary had the car washed. Mary got the car washed.
4) Have এর পর Somebody থাকলে V1 হবে। যেমন - Mary had John wash the car.
5) Get এর পর Somebody থাকলে( to+V1) হবে।যেমন - Mary got john to wash the care.
➡️ Causative Verbs এর ব্যবহার : উপরের টেকনিক না বুঝলে বিস্তারিত পড়ুন।
Stc 1 : Subjec + Have (any tense) + action doer + V1/ base form + extension. যেমন- I have my wife wash/ iron my clothes. I'll have you do this. Mary had john wash the car.
Stc 2: Subject + have ( any tense) + action receiver + v3+ extension. যেমম - I am going to have / get my hair cut. ( চুল কাটাতে যাচ্ছি). He had his hair cut.( সে তার চুল কাটিয়ে নিল।)
Stc 3: Subject + get + action doer + Infinitive + extension. যেমন- I get my wife to wash my clothes. I'll get an electrician to mend the heating.
Stc 4: Subject + get + action receiver + v3+ extension. যেমন - I have got the work done. I got my leg broken in an accident. I got the work done.
Stc 5: Subject + make + action doer + v1 + extension. যেমন - He made me work for him. How did you make the Machin work?
Stc 6: Subject + let + action doer + v1 + extension. যেমন - He decided to let his hair grow long.
Stc 7: Subject + help + action doer + v1/ infinitive. যেমন - Help me lift the box.Can you help me find my keys? We helped him finish the work.
➡️ problems with causative verbs:
Incorrect : She made the baby to take a nap.
Correct : she made the baby taka a nap.
Incorrect : I can not seem to make this dishwasher running.
Correct : I can not seem to make this dishwasher run.
Incorrect : I went to get the house paint before winter.
Correct : I went to get the house painted before winter.
Incorrect : Let's get some of our money exchange for dollars.
Correct : Let's get some of our money exchanged for dollars.
Incorrect : we will have to get someone fixing the phone right away.
Correct : we will have to get someone to fix the phone right away.
Incorrect : Have you had your temperature taking yet?
Correct : Have you had your temperature taken yet?
Incorrect : Tom had a tooth fill.
Correct : Tom had a tooth filled.
Incorrect : When I was Learning to drive, my Dad let me using his car.
Correct : When I was learning to drive, my Dad let me use his car.
Incorrect : Don't let that bothers you.
Correct : Don't let that bother you.
Incorrect : My teacher helped me getting this job.
Correct : My teacher helped me get this job.
Incorrect : Bob said that he would help us finding the place.
Correct : Bob said that he would help us find this place.
Incorrect : Her husband always helps her that she does the laundry.
Correct : Her husband always helps her do the laundry.
Incorrect : Don't you help each other the study for tests?
Correct : Don't you help each other study for tests?
বিঃদ্র- Correction গুলো চাকরির পরীক্ষা সহ সকল প্রতিযোগিতা মূলক পরীক্ষার জন্য কমন।
➡️ আরও কিছু উদাহরণ দেখি -
1) we help him ------ the work.
a) to finish b) finishing
c) in finishing d) finish
Ans: d( finish)
2) Which one incorrect?
a) Let me to go. b) He made me to do so.
c) I got him so. d) Helped me do the sum.
Ans: d ( Helped me do the sum)
3) I let him (go) there.
a) going b) went
c) to go d) go